About Renata Jirasova & 3 nights in...
Hi, my name is Renata Jirasová and the owner/editor of the travel portal Business Trip Friend and this blog „3 nights in...“.
I was born in Czechoslovakia when Europe was devided by the "Iron Curtain". In that period it wasn´t allowed to travel to Western countries and I felt like a caged animal. Fortunately our border was opened when I was young in 1989, after the so-called "Velvet revolution" and finally I could discover the pleasure of travelling.
I enjoyed this new opportunity so much that I decided to study the Tourism & Hotel Industry at the University in Prague. After graduation I started working for an international company and also I met my life partner - frequently travelling Italian executive. Since then (thanks to him and my job) I have visited many countries of the world and I have found a lot of new friends.
When my US and Asian friends travelled to Europe, they always asked me if I could advise them about the best places - what to see, where to stay, where to go in the evening.... Due to this reason I started collecting useful information for them and on the basis of reciprocity I asked them about their tips, which I collected.
Later I decided to share my database with everybody and I have created the portal Business Trip Friend where travelers can easily and quickly find a selection of the best hotels, restaurants, nightlife and other services in major cities of Europe.
Why "3 nights in..."?
I created the blog "3 nights in..." like a supplement of the travel portal Business Trip Friend and it is based on the fact that many people enjoy discovering new countries but unluckily don´t have months for travelling.
I am that type of this „unlucky person“ as well. My time (and budget) is always limited for exploring new cultures, food and beauty of our globe. When I travel I mostly stay abroad just for 3 nights. But even during these „short jumps“ I discovered many fantastic places which enriched my inner life and view of the world.
The blog „3 nights in...“ is a small fragment of my perception of the world which I would like to share with you. My goal is to inspire others to have a more "colorful life", as well as provide travel tips and useful information for busy people with limited vacation time.
A message for other bloggers and readers:
The portal BusinessTripFriend.com and the blog "3 nights in..." are purely independent, non-commercial, non-profitable projects. However, any advertising is welcome as a contribution for the costs of the sites administration.
If you would like to cooperate with me or you have some travel suggestions, feel free to contact me at my e-mail address: renata.businesstrip@seznam.cz
Also you can visit the Facebook page of Business Trip Friend travel portal.
Bon voyage!
Yours sincerely
Renata JirasovaBizarre rocky structure in Capo Testa on the island of Sardinia, Italy
In the Jeronymos Monastery, Lisabon, Portugal
Under the crater of the active volcano Pico do Fogo (2.800 m) on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde (The most recent eruptions have occured in 1951, 1995 and in November 2014).
On the top of the active volcano Vesuvius, Italy
In front of the Castle Loket near Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), West Bohemia, Czech Republic
At the fountain in Schloss Linderhof, south-east of Bavaria, Germany
At the Sand Art Festival, Portugal
In front of the charmingly fascinating Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey
On the roof of Casa Mila in Barcelona, designed by the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudi, Spain
In front of the Gateway of India in the city of Mumbai (originally Bombay)
With schoolgirls in a town Shimoga in Karnataka, India
The Great Pyramid of Giza, approx. 20 km out of Cairo, Egypt
On the roof terrace of Cathedral La Seu in Palma de Mallorca
On the top of mountain San Biagio at the statue of Jesus the Redeemer, in the town of Maratea, Calabria, Italy